Tir Mara Champion of Arms

The Tir Mara Prince’s Champion has a tabbard and sword
(photos and information needed)
The regalia for the Princess’s Champion is a large shield with 8 red roses surrounding a Blue 8 pointed star.
(Information needed)

Tir Mara Rapier Champion

The Tir Mara Prince’s Champion of Rapier is well outfitted with a hand-crafted leather baldric and medallion. Here are the talented people who have contributed their works:
Lady Camilla di Bruno – Leather Baldric
Lord Tarius Tiberius Britannicus – Frog for Sword
Baron D’unstable – Medallion
Baroness Janet Kempe – Embroidered Medallion Ribbon

Tir Mara A&S Champion

The Tir Mara A&S Champions are fortunate to have such beautiful and newly constructed cloaks to wear in honour of their achievements. These cloaks were created by the following individuals:
Lady Isolda Fairamay – Sewing and Embroidery
Lady Sileas Ni Dhomnaill – Brooches
Lady Nerina of Sparta – Braid Cording

Tir Mara Archery Champions

The Tir Mara Archery Champion regalia consists of: Princess’ Champion – a beautiful hand tooled quiver and half dozen hand made arrows. Prince’s champion a tooled leather bracer. These items were created by the following individuals:
Seigneur Godewyn – Quiver
Dominus Gneaus Aurelius Andronicus – Arrows
Lady Camilla Brigida di Bruno – Bracer

Tir Mara Thrown Weapons Champion

From Taishi Guyuk Sakighci
“Planning the first championship of a Principality brings many challenges, such as creating regalia worthy of the champions of our region. The regalia has been a group project and I’d like to give thanks to the many who participated in the project.”
The Honorable Lady CellachDonn MhicanMhadaigh, Prince and Princess baldrics
The Honorable Lady Marguerite de Gui, General planning and painting of the axe sheath
Lord Godewyn du Nord, Shaping of the spear and axe’s sheath
Lady Kirsa Oyutai , Silk banner and wood burning of the spear
Lady Melkorka Kaldvind , Wood burning of the axe (Picture to be received)
Lord Eudes de Creully, Official pictures
**As more information and photos of regalia become available, we will be happy to share it here with the rest.
**If anyone would like to submit photos for this page, please contact the webminsiter to see what is needed, you can also find links and info about SCA release forms on the forms page in the library.