Here you will find a collection of information on various subjects pertaining to the SCA and Crown Principality of Tir Mara. If you don’t find what you’re looking for, please don’t hesitate to contact us. (see Tir Mara Officers for list of contacts)
If you have items you would like to contribute to the Tir Mara Library, please submit them via email to the Tir Mara Webminister ()
**Principality Information
**Proposed Tir Mara Law and Policy
**Northern Shores Information Pamphlet
Aurora Borealis (the Tir Mara Newsletter/Journal du Principauté de la Couronne)
Stories and Songs – WANTED (please note that we require a signed release form to publish any of your work)
Order of Precedence (explaining the ceremonial order of rank)
Forms (Quick resource for release forms and other printable forms that may be of use)