Championships Schedule

The Tir Mara Championship events will be rotated between an East Region:
(shire of Avonmore, shire of Lyndhaven, barony of Ruantallan)

and a West Region:
(baronnie du Havre des Glaces, baronnie de L’Ile du Dragon Dormant). 

Any group from the region under rotation will have the opportunity to combine the championships with one of their events or to create an event exclusively for the championships.
Bids should go to the local curia of the group looking to hold the event with a copy going to the Tir Mara Seneschal:
If no bids for the championship are submitted within 3 months before the desired time, the groups from the other rotation shall have the opportunity to put a bid in. The rotation will not change the next year and the region that was unable to put a bid in will miss that rotation.

We ask that the autocrats/stewards of the championship work with the prince/princess (and may wish to also contact the Tir Mara signet deputy closest to them) to arrange for scrolls.

While champions are encouraged to help out with creating the next championship/tourney, at no point do they have to take on the task of running the event. They can also arrange for someone local to proceed over the tourney if they are unable to travel themselves.

The Championship of Arms (heavy) and the Championships for Arts and Sciences will be held together during the Spring (preferring April/May) with the rotation as seen below:

2024 TBD
2025 TBD
2026 TBD

The Rapier Championships and Championships of Thrown Weapons and of Archery will be held in the Fall (preferring August/September) according the rotation below:

2024 TBD
2025 TBD
2026 TBD