As a Principality, Tir Mara has the honor to hold the Championships for their Royal Highnesses. Both East Region (shire of Avonmore, shire of Lyndhaven, barony of Ruantallan) and West Region (baronnie du Havre des Glaces, baronnie de L’Ile du Dragon Dormant) will take a rotation to claim the responsibility and honor to host the Championships in a given year.
There are to be 2 Championship pairings, and it is encouraged to host a pairing championships together if possible as opposed to separate events.
Paring 1: Fencing and Arts & Sciences.
Paring 2: Arms (heavy), Thrown Weapons, and Archery.
The Method to Claim the Honor to Host the Championships is as follows:
- Check the Rotation Calendar below to see if your Region and sub group are scheduled to to claim to host the Championship.
- The scheduled group’s Seneschal must inform the Tir Mara Seneschal by email to indicate they will claim the responsibility for the Championship for the year no later than February of that same year. You do not need to know event details or have a bid ready to claim the Championship responsibility. The Championship can be held at any point within that year.
- If the scheduled group cannot claim to host the Championships, it then goes to another group in the region, and needs to be claimed by March.
- If the region cannot claim to host the Championships, it then goes to the other region to be claimed by April.
- The calendar will not change rotation schedule if a group or region forfeits their claim.
- If a group claims the responsibility for the Championships and something prevents it from occurring, they must immediately notify Tir Mara Seneschal and Tir Mara populace so that another group or region can take over. If no group can take over, it will be skipped that year.
- Once the group responsible for the championships have established an event through their local bid process, they are to inform the Tir Mara Seneschal, send the East Kingdom Event details to the Webminister for website publishing, and to circulate to the Tir Mara populace wildly – including but not limited to the Tir Mara Discussion List and the Tir Mara Facebook group.
- Local Groups are responsible to work with the prince/princess (and may wish to also contact the Tir Mara signet deputy closest to them) to arrange for scrolls.
- Champions are encouraged to help out with creating the next championship/tourney. They do not have to take on the task of running the event. They can also arrange for someone local to proceed over the tourney if they are unable to travel themselves.
The Rapier Championships and Championships Arts and Sciences will be held together when possible with a preference for during in the Fall according the rotation below:
2025 | EAST | Barony of Ruantallan |
2026 | EAST | Shire of Lyndhaven |
2027 | WEST | Baronnie du Havre des Glaces |
2028 | WEST | Baronnie de L’Ile du Dragon Dormant |
2029 | EAST | Barony of Ruantallan |
2030 | EAST | Shire of Lyndhaven |
The Championship of Arms (heavy), the Championships for Throw Weapons and the Championship for Archery will be held together when possible with a preference of during the Spring with the rotation as seen below:
2025 | WEST | Baronnie du Havre des Glaces |
2026 | WEST | Baronnie de L’Ile du Dragon Dormant |
2027 | EAST | Barony of Ruantallan |
2028 | EAST | Shire of Lyndhaven |
2029 | WEST | Baronnie du Havre des Glaces |
2030 | WEST | Baronnie de L’Ile du Dragon Dormant |