Équipe de bénévoles


**Une traduction en français est requise

About the Tir Mara Website

We are always looking for volunteers for various aspects of the Tir Mara website. If you are wishing to help with translations, artwork, photography, links or even something we haven’t thought of yet, please contact the webminister: 
Remember that we can’t include everything due to rule, size constraints and time, but we do appreciate help and suggestions as well as corrections.

Please see the «Forms» page for required permissions for photos or images used on this website.



As a thanks to your generosity and dedication, we would also like to thank present and past contributors.

This website is a continually evolving presence and would not be possible if it were not for all the people who helped create past versions, parts of which are still being used.

The Original website was created by Zaneta Gavlinne Angiolieri back in 2005 with many volunteers to help translate the site as well as offering links, articles and images for the site.
In 2011, we then had Lord Gnaeus Aurelius Andronicus step up as the Tir Mara deputy, serving and maintaining the website until 2015.
This site wouldn’t be where it is today without your hard work.

Presently the website is going through a mass of updating to meet today’s requirements such as easier viewing on mobile devices, ease in updating using WordPress and maintenance.
We are also working hard with volunteers to get the website translated as well as getting artwork with permissions for future inclusion.

If you have done translations, photos, artwork or other items for the Tir Mara website, please contact us: webminister (at) tirmara (dot) eastkingdom (dot) org

Eginhard d’Aix la Chapelle
Deirdre Rhuad (Tir Mara A&S Championship Rules)

Cat Lennox (Majority of photos and main photographer for this website)
Mergriet van Wijenhorst (3rd and 5th photo in “Starry Skies E” banner)

Web Graphics and Original Artwork:
Mergriet van Wijenhorst (Starry background in header, group heraldry images, favicon)

Web Design:
Mergriet van Wijenhorst (using Word Press twenty fourteen theme)