
**une traduction en français est requise


Champions of Arms

Prince’s Champion
Hakan Al Bashi 2023
Hugh of Ruantallan 2020-2022(COVID – no tournaments)
Hugh of Ruantallan 2019
Galbraith 2018
Pelandres dit le Frère 2016
Spurius Genucius Rutilus 2014
Robert Gower 2013
Angus McHaley 2012
Pellandres dit le frere 2011
Llewellyn ab Olwyn 2010
Conrad MacAllyn 2009

Princess’s Champion
Thorin Mac Cianain 2023
Alex of Ruantallan 2020-2022 (COVID – no tournaments)
Alex of Ruantallan 2019
Lambert 2018
Rheinhart Basarad Draculesti 2016
Pellandres dit le Frere 2014
Cornelia van der Brugge 2013
Perceval Gower 2012
Robert Gower 2011
Spurius Genucius Rutilus 2010
Conogan mab Rioc 2009

Champions of Rapier

Prince’s Champion
Olan Blackhand (COVID)2020-2022
Olan Blackhand 2019
Sir Gareth Grey de Wilton 2018
Rowan Fergus 2017
Barnabus O’Pheylan 2016
Jonathan Rankin O’Rose 2015
Borujin Aciladai 2014
Rowan Fergus 2013
Guthfrith Yrlingson 2012
Cosmano Piero Michelotto da Roma 2011

Princess’s Champion
Ameline de Fleury 2020-2022 (COVID)
Ameline de Fleury 2019
Clara of Ruantallan 2018
Borujin Aciladai 2017
Cosmano Piero Michelotto da Roma 2016
Barnabus O’Pheylan 2015
Mikhail Vladimiroff 2014
Jonathan Rankin O’Rose 2013

Champions of Thrown Weapons

Prince’s Champion
Eginard d’Aix La Chapelle

Princess’s Champion
Raoul du Dragon Dormant

Champions of Archery

Princess’s Champion
Litt Skeg 2017
Kirsa Oyutai 2016
Arthur de Beaumont 2013

Prince’s Champion
Lynne the Sinister 
Katherine Murray 2016
Gnaeus Aurelius Andronicus 2013

Champions of Arts and Sciences

Princess’s Champion
CellachDonn MhicanMhadaigh
Katherine Murray 2016
CellachDonn MhicanMhadaigh 2015
Inga Torgansdottir 2014
Mergriet van Wijenhorst 2013
Margret “Greta” Thorfinnsdottir 2012
Diarmit O’Brien 2011
Donal O’Neil 2010

Prince’s Champion
Isolda Fairamay
Maud de Brasebridge 2016
Sile Dhubh 2015
Katherine Murray 2014
Katherine Murray 2013
Cellach Donn inghean Mhic an Mhadaigh 2012
Isolda Fairamay 2011
Ursion de Gui 2010

*With champions of Arms, Rapier and Throwing Weapons, the Prince’s champion are those who placed first and the Princess’s places second while with the champions of Archery and A&S, the Princess’s champion place first while the Prince’s place second. 

**This list is incomplete and more information would be greatly appreciated. Please contact the webminister if you have information to add.